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Contact the Officers


Seneschal :  Sir Conal MacDale

The Seneschal is the President of the group.  You may contact them with any questions about the shire by clicking on their name above or by emailing them at Sen.GlynnRhe (at) Meridies(dot)org.

Chatelaine:    THL Thorfinn Langskeggr Eriksonr

The Chatelaine is the officer who helps new people.  You may contact them if you are new and looking for more information about how to participate in the SCA and the Shire of Glynn Rhe  by clicking on their name above or by emailing them at Chat.GlynnRhe(at)Meridies(dot)org.

Knights Marshal:  Lady Ashildr Vakrisdottir

The Knight Marshal is in charge of all combat-related activities in the shire.  You may contact them with any questions concerning combat activities, such as times and locations of fighter practices, etc. by clicking on their name above or by emailing them at KM.GlynnRhe(at)Meridies(dot)org.

The Herald is the officer who helps people research authentic names and personal devices/coat of arms. The herald is also the person who makes announcements on the field and in  court. You may contact them by clicking their name above or by emailing them at Herald.GlynnRhe(at)Meridies(dot)org.

A & S Minister:  Mistress Marina MacChriter

The A & S Minister  helps people research the arts, crafts, and skill of the Middle Ages by setting up classes and activities. You may contact them by clicking their name above or by emailing them at AS.GlynnRhe(at)Meridies(dot)org.

 Exchequer:  Mistress Cecily du Chinon

The exchequer acts as the shire’s treasurer. You may contact them by clicking their name above or by emailing them at Excheq.GlynnRhe(at)Meridies(dot)org.

Web Minister:  Lady Evangeline Bajolet

The Web Minister is in charge of maintaining the web site.  You may contact them with any problems you are experiencing with the web site. You may contact them with any questions about the website by clicking  their name above or by emailing them at Web.GlynnRhe(at)Meridies(dot)org.

    Social Media Officer:  Lord Red Waryn 

The Social Media officer Is in charge of all the shire social media platforms. They publish content, notification and other information of interest. You may contact them with any problems you are experiencing with the social media platforms by clicking their name above or by emailing them at                 SMO.GlynnRhe(at)Meridies(dot)org.

Historian:  Bjorn Magnusson

The historian in charge of all of the shire historical records. They archive , research and provide access to the history of the Shire. You may contact them with any questions that you have regarding the history of Glynn Rhe  by clicking their name above or by emailing them at                 hist.GlynnRhe(at)Meridies(dot)org.